Released in 1996, Here In After marked a significant shift in Immolation’s sound, pushing the boundaries of death metal into darker, more dissonant territory. The album’s relentless complexity is evident from the opening track, “Nailed to Gold,” where the band delivers twisting, unconventional riffs that challenge the listener’s expectations. This bold move away from the straightforward brutality of their debut Dawn of Possession introduced intricate, unsettling song structures that feel both chaotic and meticulously controlled.
Guitarists Bob Vigna and Tom Wilkinson deserve special recognition for their work here, crafting eerie, dissonant melodies that feel almost otherworldly. Craig Smilowski’s drumming is equally impressive, driving the album with both precision and ferocity, while Ross Dolan’s growling vocals provide a menacing undercurrent to the complex arrangements. Tracks like “I Feel Nothing” and “Away From God” exemplify Immolation’s ability to intertwine brutality with a haunting atmosphere.
1.Nailed to Gold 03:54
2.Burn with Jesus 04:01
3.Here in After 04:54
4.I Feel Nothing 04:41
5.Away from God 04:45
6.Towards Earth 04:47
7.Under the Supreme 04:23
8.Christ's Cage 05:51